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BEAM Pieces is a BEAM Reference Library site.

Building components
Turning little bits into bigger bits

Many things can be built up at home. Here are just a few of the things you can build:

Circuit boards
You can make your own printed circuit boards without too much investment of time or money (of course, you can also spend more and get "prettier" boards too). A detailed discussion of the work involved is coming soon to the BEAM Reference Library's BEAM Techniques section. You can find PCB "artwork" in a variety of places; Bill Bigge has some particularly nice designs at his Board Room site.

Integrated circuits
Some circuits are just handier when they come on a little "chip." For things you anticapate swapping in & out of a circuit (either because they're "smoke-prone," or because you're swapping things around to compare performance), you can build your own simple ICs. A detailed discussion of the work involved is coming soon to the BEAM Reference Library's BEAM Techniques section.

Gear motors
You can just as easily buy commercial gear motors, but it's cheaper (if much more time consuming) to build them up from DC motors and home-brew gearboxes.

Structural pieces (legs, etc.)
There's really no way around building these yourself.

Various assemblies
Various pieces of electronics are buildable yourself. Motor drivers, sensors, solar engines -- all are addressed in this site's assembly descriptions.

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Page author: Eric Seale
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